“Kurashi no Ichi” – A local farmer’s and handicraft market to enrich your daily life

“Kurashi no Ichi” – A local farmer’s and handicraft market to enrich your daily life
Saturday July 22nd and Sunday July 23rd
At auditorium and lecture room of Sugimura Jun Museum of Art (Shiogama City), 30 minutes east of Sendai.

“Kurashi no Ichi” is a local farmer’s and handicraft market under the theme of “Enrich your daily life with wisdom and fresh ideas”. You will find attractive food stands furnished by local stores, featuring locally-grown vegetables, tableware, woodworks, antique goods, handmade goods, plants and so on.
You can also learn how to care your household goods at our several workshops. This event is sure to freshen and spice up your everyday life!
*Admission is free but some workshops require an application and an entrance fee to join.
*Please use the special parking space or public transport to come to the venue.
Please check the latest information and additional information on our website:
For more information and workshop application, please call 022-362-2555 or e-mail us: sugimurajun-museum●shiomo.jp(●=@)
Translated by JUNBI Supporter (Naoko Sakazume, SAT De Los Angeles)