Walk-in Workshop for Dried Lacquer Brooch



Walk-in Workshop for Dried Lacquer Brooch
~The Four Seasons of Shiogama~

Using a sheet shaped material called “dried lacquer sheet,” which is made by traditional method of lacquering and coagulating linen cloths, the surface luster comes out when you touch it with your hands and colors turn brighter through long usage.

You can try making your own brooch!
Enjoy how this brooch changes in appearance.Highly recommended for people looking for a one-of-a-kind stylish gift.

Create a dried lacquer brooch with an arrangement of dried lacquer pieces! All ages welcome, sign up online and stop by the museum whenever.

Time: Please allow up to 15-30mins for this craft
Type: Pick one type from below;

Spring(Shiogama cherry blossom)
Summer (Sea of Urata Islands)
Fall (Ichimoriyama leaf colors)
Winter (Wintry scene of Matsushima bay)
All materials provided.

1,500yen per person.