Voyage – Emerging Artists Support Program Solo Exhibition: Chiaki Orita – “The Collective of Image”

For the ninth edition of this program, we are pleased to introduce two artists selected through an open call: painter Fukiko Tsurifune and contemporary artist Chiaki Orita.
Orita reexamines the relationship between “objects” and “people”; expressing the difference between them through concepts such as the perception of distance and cognition using various techniques.
In this exhibition, Orita enlists the help of those connected to Shiogama to further conduct the “Collective Image”; a project that has been developing until now through other various locations.
Using the “color of impressions” that people perceive from scenes as a reference, she creates collaged and reconstructed works from a vast amount of photographic materials. This is in order to attempt to reimagine the relationship between people and scenery through the lens of “collective knowledge.”
How do we perceive scenery and how are we influenced by it?
We hope this exhibition will provide an opportunity to think about these questions as we move back and forth; comparing scenery and artwork.
Saturday July 15th through Sunday September 3rd, 2023 at the Sugimura Jun Museum of Art
(Shiogama City), 30 minutes east of Sendai.
10:00–17:00 (last admission 16:30)
Closed Mondays
Admission (permanent collection + special exhibition):
• Adults: 500 yen
• University / High school students: 400 yen
• Junior high school students and under: Free
• Discount for museum members and people with special needs.

Chiaki Orita
Contemporary artist. Born 1993 in Towada City, Aomori Prefecture in 1993. Graduated from Shizuoka University of Art and Culture and Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University.
She was recognized in both 2020 and 2021, such as the “PITCH GRANT” and the “Sanwa Company Art Award” respectively.
Contact us: sugimurajun-museum●●=@)
Translated by JUNBI Supporters
Voyage – Emerging Artists Support Program Solo Exhibition: Fukiko Tsurifune – “ROADSTEAD”